“Vanessa Price’s writing is personal, engaging, and refreshingly unpretentious, distilling complex ideas into easily accessible language. This book may be arranged around food and wine pairings, yet with its impressive scope and breadth, it also serves as an excellent introduction to understanding wine in general. I’d recommend it to anyone looking to learn more about the world of wine.”

-- Peter Liem, author of ChampagneGuide.net and the James Beard Foundation Award-winning book Champagne


Big Macs & Burgundy is a joyous, life-affirming read. The food and wine descriptions are brilliant and often hilarious, and Vanessa Price is a warm, engaging guide.  And her best trick?  Doing what all the best teachers do: making you learn without realizing it.”

-- Nick Jackson, master of wine and author of Beyond Flavour

“How fitting that a book about unexpected pairings is an unexpected pairing itself — Big Macs & Burgundy is a delightful mix of personal storytelling, irresistible images and wine-world demystifying, ranging from etymology to geography. Thanks to Vanessa Price and Adam Laukhuf, I will never forget which wine pairs best with M&Ms. If we’re all lucky enough to return to movie theatres, I’m gonna need a bigger tote bag.”

— Sloane Crosley, NY Times Best-Selling author of I Was Told There’d Be Cake, essayist and novelist


“This book is just so fun and truly what the wine world needs. Vanessa plays matchmaker to great effect here, and not just in terms of what to pair with Cardi B’s Cheddar Bar-B-Que Chips, mozzarella sticks, or, my favorite, Sour Patch Kids. In disarming fashion, she demystifies and breaks down the what’s-what in wine so as to leave you knowing that wine is not to be feared, but is, instead, your friend. Original, fun, smart, and empowering—it’s perfect.”

-- Richard Betts, winemaker and author of The Essential Scratch & Sniff Guide to Becoming a Wine Expert